zaterdag 10 mei 2014

Attribute management

In my previous post I said that I need a facility to manage attributes issued by third parties. I have plenty digital identities, but most of them can only be used for a specific purpose. A limited number can be used in a multi-purpose fashion.
There's DigiD, the Dutch digital identity that was provided to me by the Dutch government and that can be used in my relation with a number of national and local government transactions and for a few transactions beyond that, like for my health insurance business. But these services can use only one specific attribute of my DigiD identity, the 'BSN', a unique identifier, like the American SSN.
Another multi-purpose identity is my Twitter account. But it also only has some predefined attributes, but if a service provider needs extra attributes, he needs to capture those through other channels. But there are no attribute providers beside the identity providers we know and love...

But, a few weeks ago I received an invitation from ISACA to download digital Badges that can be used to indicate that I am a Certified  Information Systems Auditor (CISA) and a Certified Information Security Manager (CISM). These badges can then be imported in an 'Acclaim' account, that I can use to present my badges to others. And ISACA mentioned that presenting these badges in my LinkedIn profile is a preferred way to show my certifications.

How about that? ISACA issues a badge that proves my qualification. It is an attribute of my profile, it belongs to me. Not to one of my identities, but it is an attribute of me as a professional. And ISACA is qualified to issue these attributes, ISACA created these attributes, ISACA is the owner of the CISA and CISM titles.

ISACA issues badges in the form of an Open Badge, an open standard, created by Mozilla. And Mozilla created it's own backpack facility in the Mozilla Persona digital identity. The backpack can be seen as a wallet that contains the badges. Acclaim is another form of a digital badge wallet. Here is the acclaim page with my ISACA badges.

I really liked this idea, so I created my own badge issuing process. As you may recall I started the #ditchcyber campaign and this campaign is supported by the @CyberXpert account. I decided to offer CyberXpert badges to followers of this Twitter account. Any follower who uses the RCX or CCX title can get a digital badge and import that badge in a Persona Backpack. Here's my backpack, showing a CyberXpert badge.

Next thing we need to find out is if an Open Badge attribute can be collected by a digital identity and combined to a SAML message.

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